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Social Media: A Conversational PR Mechanism

Public relations or PR have always been the core of business strategy. The primary objective of any PR activity is to keep target audience informed and updated. Traditionally, businesses hire PR agencies to handle all their PR responsibilities, such as events, PR, media relations, etc. With the emergence of social media, PR agencies have got an additional tool to publicize their client’s achievements and developments. Now, the question arises can social media overpower the traditional PR activities? 

According to me, the answer is yes. Definitely, they can. The biggest advantage that social media offers to this PR domain, according to me, is the ability to add “conversation” value to the whole process. It has reduced the turn-around time between businesses and target audience to streamline the marketing communications process. 

While using platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google+, businesses, through PR agencies, are widening the scope of their PR activities. Be it a product launch or event announcement, social platforms are becoming popular destinations for crucial PR activities. 

These platforms have made PR activities happening, live and engaged. It is always necessary to add engagement value to any marketing activity. This engagement factor makes the entire marketing responsive and responsible. 

Nowadays, customers are looking for instant mechanism to take their demands or grievances to the brands. With social media platforms, they have got this opportunity, and that too absolutely free. Hence, businesses can no longer ignore or undermine the significance of social platforms to push forward their PR activities. 
Modern day marketing can no longer be confined to the traditional mind set of marketing values. Social media is one of its kind of opportunity that benefit both marketers and customers to strengthen their marketing values. 

Being PR an integral part of marketing strategy, social media paves the way for marketers as well as customers to make this process simple and interesting. 


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